Nordic spirit bergamot wildberry review

Product Review Nordic Spirit Bergamot Wildberry

Today we had a chance to review Nordic Spirit Bergamot Wildberry nicotine pouches. Nordic Spirit have been one of the leading brands of Nicotine Pouches ever since they began being sold in the UK back in 2019. Commonly seen being sold in nearly all supermarkets, petrol stations, convenience stores and anywhere else that stocks Nicotine Pouches, they are a highly respected brand of Nicotine pouch and have been a pillar in the Nicotine Pouch industry for quite some time.

I’ve recently been using Nordic Spirit Nicotine Pouches daily to experience what they are like, and so I could form my own views on these pouches to be able to write this review for you to read, and get a true honest opinion about this brand, and whether the quality of the product matches up to the big name that Nordic Spirit is.

Nordic Spirit Nicotine Pouches

Nordic Spirit Nicotine Pouches are made by JTI, which you may have heard of before, especially if I use the unabbreviated version of their name, which is Japan Tobacco International. JTI are one of the five “Big Tobacco” companies in the world today and sells its products in over 120 different countries to date.

JTI branched out into making smoke-free alternatives for their customers as part of their “Destination Zero” pledge, which aimed to strengthen their emissions reduction plans for 2030 and 2050, due to the fact of the carbon footprint being caused by cigarette smoke and discarded cigarettes. As well as promoting harm reduction by offering customers smoke-free alternatives to their cigarettes, such as Logic E-Cigarettes and Vape juices, and Nordic Spirit Nicotine Pouches.

Nordic Spirit Nicotine Pouches originate from Sweden, where inspiration was taken from the highly popular Snus pouches used in Sweden, but JTI wanted to create something that did not contain tobacco, therefore reducing the risk of people contracting any diseases associated with tobacco use.  

In 2019, Nordic Spirit Nicotine Pouches were launched in the UK and have been one of the leading brands since their introduction and continue to be one of the most popular choices by consumers today!

Nordic Spirit’s varied flavour options

One of the most attractive things about Nordic Spirit is the fact they offer a good and varied flavour list for their Nicotine Pouches which gives you the customer a lot of choices and also the option to try some unique flavours not seen replicated by many other brands of Nicotine Pouches.

Nordic Spirit is available in five flavours: Mint, Spearmint, Mocha, Bergamot Wildberry and Elderflower. I’ve not seen any other brands use the last three of those flavours before in Nicotine Pouches so does make them somewhat unique, and different also!

I’ve only tried the Bergamot Wildberry flavour as well as the Spearmint flavour of these pouches. I’m not a huge fan of either Coffee or Elderflower flavoured things, so that ruled them out for me to review. And for this review, I’m going to give my honest opinion on the Bergamot Wildberry flavour in 11mg Nicotine strength.

A review on Nordic Spirit Bergamot Wildberry Nicotine Pouches

I debated for a little bit on what flavour I wanted to try, and I’m a real sucker for mixed berry flavoured vape juice, so it made sense to try a berry flavoured Nicotine Pouch.

First Impressions

The design on the can is really simplistic but effective. Featuring an all-white background, the colours of the writing relate to the flavour of the pouch that’s been bought. In this case, a perfect contrasting blend of a deep red that transitions into a orange/yellow colour combination which really makes it stand out, and is really pleasing on the eye. The colour theme runs all the way round the edge of the can as well as the main label on the front of the can too.

Nordic Spirit Bergamot Wildberry
Nordic Spirit nicotine pouches with a Bergamot Wildberry flavour.

Ingredients and Safety Information

On the bottom side of the can, the ingredients are clearly listed, as well as all necessary safety information that is required to be printed on the labels of any nicotine containing products.

On the front label of the can, it clearly shows the strength scale, with four individual dots which are all coloured red to show it is “X-Strong” strength. Lower strengths that are available are documented by only one or two of the dots being coloured in on the strength scale.

Another cool feature I really like on the cans labelling is on the edge that goes around the can it features clear instructions on how to use the pouches, with picture diagrams and time suggestions for how long to use a pouch. This is really handy for someone who may just be starting out using the white pouches.  

Opening the Can

It’s really easy to open the can and access the pouches, as the seal around the edge is a simple perforated edge which can be broken by simply running your fingernail around the can to break the seal. The top also features a compartment to dispose of your discarded pouches which is really convenient for if you’re on the go and can’t access a bin to dispose of them. The lid snaps firmly in place each time and is easy to open as well.

The pouches

And at last, we reach the main topic of this article, and I’ll answer the question I’m sure you’re wanting to know regarding Nordic Spirit Nicotine Pouches, and that is “Are Nordic Spirit Nicotine Pouches worth trying?” and my answer is…yes, they are definitely worth trying!

The minute I opened the can, the sweet aroma of the Wildberry hit me, and I was even more excited to try them, as I expected the taste to be the same as the smell, and it certainly met expectations. When I put the pouch in, the tingling sensation was instant but not overpowering, and lasted a good while. The flavour was a really strong and mildly sweet Berry flavour, and the flavour remained as strong from the first taste to when I took the pouch out.

I tend to use the pouches for around 45 minutes, and the flavour lasted the whole duration, and I could feel the effects of the nicotine once it had been absorbed. I do have a high tolerance to Nicotine, so the 12mg strength was a comfortable strength for me to use, and not too overpowering. I do not recommend this strength if you are starting out using Nicotine pouches, especially if you have a sensitivity to Nicotine as this may be a little overpowering for you.


To conclude, I was very impressed with Nordic Spirit Nicotine Pouches, and would highly recommend trying them out if you are looking for pleasurable pouch experience. Nordic Spirit are a really well-respected brand of Nicotine Pouch, and are one of the leading brands sold in the UK and for good reason too.

The flavour profiles they offer are unique, and they offer a good range of nicotine strengths to cater to new people looking to try them out, or experienced nicotine users like myself looking for that more stronger punchier nicotine hit.

You can buy Nordic Spirit Nicotine Pouches right here on Snusmail and have them delivered straight to your door via our fast and efficient mail order service!

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